Windshield Washer Fluid Season is Right Around the Corner
Now is the Time to Act... Place Your Winter Orders!
As the summer progresses, the last thing that we want to think about is driving our car in the winter.

Doug Austin VP of Marketing James Austin Company
Snow, sleet and ice are the furthest from our minds. Ice exists only in that cold drink we are enjoying to quench our thirst from mowing the grass or catching that well deserved bronzing tan by the pool. At AUSTIN’S, however, summer means gearing up for winter’s treacherous driving conditions.
Being able to see through the dirt, slush or ice that finds its way onto our windshields is a major safety issue confronted by every driver from December through March. How many times has this happened: you are driving down the interstate and a huge semi passes you? In doing so, it throws that winter concoction of nasty road weather onto your car blinding you and forcing you to slow down to nearly a crawl. You hit the wipers and push the button to release the blue liquid that we normally expect to help wash away the problem. Unfortunately, nothing happens! No liquid is squirting onto the windshield. Your wipers are making a slimy mess with each pass of the rubber blades. It is as if you are finger painting a wintery mess on a canvas which just happens to be your windshield. Car maintenance is of the utmost importance during the snowy season. Keeping our vehicle’s windshield washer fluid reservoir full is a goal every driver should strive to uphold.
Because windshield washer fluid maintenance is typically overlooked until needed, drivers tend to not focus on what type of product to use. Luckily, convenience stores and gas stations usually have an ample supply of the “blue stuff”, ready for purchase in a time of crisis. But before you make that compulsive purchase, AUSTIN’S would like to remind you of a few facts.
1. Make certain that the product you buy is made for the climate in which you are driving. It is essential that your windshield washer fluid has a low freezing point that will accommodate the temperatures you are and will be experiencing. You do not want your fluid to freeze in your reservoir, the fluid lines leading from the reservoir to your nozzle and/or on the windshield itself. Summer windshield washer fluid formulas lack certain additives that keep the liquid from freezing. If you use this type of fluid during the warm months, you should take steps to drain this fluid from the reservoir before adding the winter solution.
2. Cleaners that are not specifically made for windshields may cause harm to your vehicle. Seals that surround window frames and rubber windshield wipers may deteriorate from certain chemicals. The paint on a vehicle might also be harmed as some of the fluid sprays onto its hood and body. Articles have been written as to whether ammonia based cleaners for windows are harmful to a car. At AUSTIN’S, we do not take a position regarding this topic. We can only encourage that you purchase a product made specifically for a motor vehicle. AUSTIN’S Windshield Washer Fluid is the product we recommend.
We at AUSTIN’S ask that you try one of our many quality windshield washer fluids for your car, truck, SUV or van. See which of these products made for 0 degrees, -20 degrees, -25 degrees, -30 degrees or summer formula best suits your needs. AUSTIN’S assures you that you will be extremely satisfied with the quality and value that all of our products provide to consumers.
Now is the time to consider ordering your windshield washer fluid for the first part of the winter season. Contact either your sales representative or our customer service department at (724) 625-1535. Feel free to use the above information to help educate your customers and your sales team or download a PDF version here.
A Kik Custom Products Company
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