2017 Inventory Replenishment

2017 has begun. For many buyers, they are reviewing their inventories and looking at their new year’s budgets. In December, many were asked to draw-down on their stock and eliminate much of the product on hand to enhance the year end numbers. But, now is the time to get ready for a great and prosperous selling year.
At AUSTINS, we remind everyone to start placing orders to replenish their dwindled stock. Our sales and customer service teams are ready to help you fill those orders. We have begun receiving emails and telephone calls requesting expedited delivery on items that have become very low in inventory. We realize that you need to service those emergency situations of your customers. We are here to help. This is what we mean with our slogan, “The Difference is in the Name.” AUSTINS thinks of you as family, and family helps family. Even though we have lead times, we will do all that we can to ensure that you will have product to properly service your customers.
Start filling your warehouse with seasonal items like Windshield Washer Fluid. Keep in mind that swimming pools will be opening before you know it and that you will need our swimming pool products in stock.
Talk with your sales representative. He/she will be able to answer all of your questions and get you ready for a busy selling year.
As always, thank you for your continued business.

Doug Austin VP of Marketing James Austin Company
A Kik Custom Products Company
© 2021